Welcome, Dear Cosmic Soul

Thank you for sharing this moment here with me. I am filled with so much gratitude that you have found your way into my Cosmic Soul Sanctuary.

I am Nicolette. I am passionate about sharing light, and creatively being part of the universal awakening. The awakening of rediscovering our divinity and accepting ourselves in our natural and imperfect perfection. The remembering of our god-spark within.

I see myself as one who can reflect your own innate wisdom back to you and to activate your energy body through healing, light codes, teaching, artwork and energy tools, should you wish me to facilitate your healing development.

Above all, I am here, without titles, endeavouring to be part of the change, anchoring in the light codes for the highest good of All that is.

One starfish at a time, a drop in the ocean, expanding ripples of light.

Cosmic Soul Nicolette 1

Quantum Healing

Energy Healing to cleanse, revitalise, activate and inspire you on every level of your being.
In person or remotely.
60min – R988/155usd Or
30min – R655/80usd

Channeled Akashic Soul Reading.

Channeled Akashic Soul Reading.
Feedback through recorded audio and pictures.

60min R888/111usd

Tarot or Oracle reading/ counseling

Tarot or Oracle reading/ counseling.
In person, via video or sent on voice note.
15min R222/22usd

30min R444/44usd

45min R555/55usd

Aura Reading

Aura Reading with digital Aura painting


Crystal Medicine Jewellery

Crystal Medicine Jewellery.
Uniquely and intuitively created with high-quality crystals.

From R555/55usd.

Spirit Guide

Spirit Guide Quick Sketch with explanation sent via photograph R555/55usd


Spirit Guide Painting on artist paper A4
R777/ 77usd. Postage excl.


Have any questions? I am always open to talk about your spiritual ideas, or new opportunities and how I can help you.